About suzan.web.id
I built this website as a showcase of my learn-to-code journey, demonstrating my ability to create a functional site. Since I am a booklover, create a booklist that I ever read seems a good idea.
This website also serves as proof that with limited programming knowledge, like me, anyone can build a website with the assistance of tools like ChatGPT.
With this personal project, I could implement and practice my knowledge and skills in coding and product management. As I continue to enhance this website, I plan to add more features and improvements, making it a dynamic representation of my growth and capabilities in the tech field.
Any ideas and feedback are welcome.
Tech stack: HTML5/CSS3, Python, Django, MySQL. Design credits to HTML5up.net.
Buy me a coffeeRelease:
- 22.07.2024 : First release (Home, About, Contact, Services, Book List, Book Details)
- 25.07.2024 : Categorize book list into "Now Reading", "Wishlist", and "Have Read". Create sitemap, register to Google Analytics and Google Search Console
- 27.07.2024: Optimize images, add pagination, add sort option (Newest, Oldest, By Title, By Author). Add CKEditor in admin
- 31.07.2024: Add 404 page.
- 03.08.2024: Adjust CSS.
- 17.08.2024: Add 'Experiences' page.
- 07.09.2024: Add 'Chat with me!' page, a chatbot powered by OpenAI.
- 07.09.2024: Add 'Terms of Use', 'Privacy Policy' page.
- 09.09.2024: Fix sitemap for static pages, fix a few css.